Appeal of the Academy’s members for responsibility and consensus for a prosperous society!


Today, more than ever, Moldovan political elite must prove that it is serving the citizens, not being driven by ambitions and narrow interests. Political parties that obtained the confidence of voters should not allow the country's involvement in a vicious cycle of continuous elections.
The high rate of participation in the last elections, demonstrates once again that our society wants a stabile government, generating prosperity and development.

We, the signatories of this appeal, urge the political elite to stop belligerent election rhetoric and to initiate a dialogue for setting up in a transparent and effective manner the supreme state bodies. Do not forget that the people of the Republic of Moldova are the supreme holder of sovereignty and the political class is delegated to represent this will. The stake placed on betrayal and purchases of votes, distort people's choice, reducing the importance of Parliament as the Supreme Forum for dialogue within the democratic system.

During the campaign, political parties which have accessed in the Parliament came up with programs and initiatives aimed at ensuring economic development of the Republic of Moldova and get rid of shameful poverty. We ask today the political elite to deny the sterile political discussions and focus their full creative potential for these reforms. We must bring to our children parents at home and to older people – the support they need.

We should show the world that Moldova is an European country with a responsible political class, where the notions of tolerance and mutual respect are pervasive, and the reference point is the country's national interest.

As the principles for setting up future dialogue format, we propose the following:

1. Creating a wide parliamentary coalition,
2. Focus the discussions on national interests
3. Ensuring the proper functioning of political system
4. Creating prosperity for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

Acad. Gh. Duca, acad. T. Furdui, acad. E. Doga, acad. I. Druţă, acad. D. Matcovschi, acad. M. Cimpoi, acad.V.Anestiadi, acad.I.Bersuker, acad.B.Melnic, acad.Gh.Ghidirim, acad.Gh.Ţâbârnă, acad.M.Bologa, acad.P.Vlad, acad.B.Găină, acad.A.Roşca, acad.A.Ciubotaru, acad.A.Negru, acad.H.Corbu, acad.A.Ursu, acad. S.Toma, acad.V.Micu, acad.I.Toderas, acad.M.Dolgan, acad.Gh.Paladi, acad.D.Gherman, acad.V.Postolati, acad.E.Aruşanov, c.m.I.Tighineanu, c.m. S.Gropa, c.m. L.Culiuc, m.c.A.Dicusar, c.m.C.Turtă, c.m. S.Andrieş, c. m.Gh.Mustea, c. m. C.Gaindric, dr.hab.M.Şlapac, dr.hab.I.Guceac.