National Scholarship Programme of the World Federation of Scientists


Criteria and modalities for awarding scholarships in the framework of National Scholarship Programme (NSP)
of World Federation of Scientists (WFS) in the Republic of Moldova

1. Scholarships in the framework of NSP of WFS (SWFS) are awarded annually and are eligible for postgraduate students who are on the second or third year of study and who satisfy the following requirements:
The applicants are required to fully respect the basic rules and guidelines approved by WFS for NSP (Annex 1).

Applicants must satisfy the following criteria:

  • to conduct scientific research activities in research institutes and in state universities under the supervision of an eminent national scientist in the field of science which Ms linked to one of the Planetary Emergencies as set out by WFS according to the Annex 2 (See also;
  • to take their exams for admittance to postgraduate courses and all planned postgraduate exams with marks not less than 8 (the marks must be confirmed by the authorities of respective institution);
  • to accomplish the personal plan of activity as postgraduate student and to obtain distinct research results in one of the Planetary Emergencies as set out by the WFS (to be confirmed by scientific adviser and by the reviewers of the project which is planned to submit for SWFS);
  • to be the author (coauthor) of two or more published scientific papers in scientific journals or proceedings of national or international conferences;
  • to be participant in local or international scientific manifestations;
  • to be able to use the computer as a tool for electronic communication, for searching scientific electronic information in INTERNET from different e-libraries, publishing houses, international institutions as well as drafting own scientific papers and reports in their scientific activity;
  • to prepare and to present the project for obtaining of SWFS, whose importance have been approved by reviewers of the project;
  • to present their documents indicated in Annex 1 and Application Form (Anex 3) to Prof. Andrei Andries, Administrator of the National Scholarship Program, representative of WFS in Moldova, including scientific characterization of the applicant, given by scientific advisor as well as the agreement of scientific advisor to offer consultation during all period of the project realization;
  • to have positive recommendations from two experts in the field of activity

2. The number of annual SWFS is coordinated annually with WFS by Prof. Andrei Andries.

3. The call for obtaining SWFS is announced annually by the Administrator of National Scholarship Programme Prof. Andrei Andries (the deadline of presentation of documents is announced additionally by Prof. Andrei Andries).

4.The Expert Commission evaluates the documents presented by applicants for SWFS and within 10 days presents its recommendations to the Administrator of National Scholarship Programme for taking the decision that the applicant fully corresponds to the above indicated criteria and there are not obstacles for sending the documents to the authorities of WFS for expertise and for taking the final decision.

5.Each applicant is informed by the Administrator of National Scholarship Programme within 5 working days after receiving the respective information from WFS about the decision of WFS concerning acceptance or not acceptance of applicant for SWFS.

6. Dead line for submitting documents - 31 March 2011.