Meetings for Governments and Organizations Implementing and/or Funding Biosafety Capacity-Building Activities


The Ministry of Environment RM and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, in partnership with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety of the United Nations Organization and will host in Chisinau the following Meetings:

  • „7th Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organizations Implementing and/or Funding Biosafety Capacity-Building Activities in Chisinau”, Moldova, 4-6 April 2011,
  • and „8th Meeting of Liaison Group on Capacity-Building for Biosafety”, 7-8 April 2011.

At the previous coordination meetings, the following issues have been identified on which capacity-building support and guidance are needed: Public awareness and participation in decision-making regarding living modified organisms; Enforcement of national regulatory frameworks; Capacity-building in the use of the Biosafety Clearing-House; Handling of liability and redress issues at the national level; Risk assessment of genetically modified animals. The issue of capacity-building with respect to public awareness, education and participation was considered at the sixth coordination meeting.

The 7th Meeting will be focused on discussing the problems of the capacity development in view of fortifying the regulatory framework in Biosaefty field , and also implementation of the stipulations of the Nagoya - Kuala Lumpur Protocol regarding the Liability and Redress, within the framework of operational objectives nr. 2.1 and 2.4 of the Strategic Plan of Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. The meeting will also be presented with the update on the process for further deliberation on the issue of socio-economic considerations. Furthermore, participants will be invited to share preliminary views and suggestions regarding the next comprehensive review of the capacity-building action plan and the Coordination Mechanism, to be presented for discussion and approval by the Parties during the next 6th COP-MOP Meeting in 2012.

To date, seven Liaison group meetings have taken place. These meetings provided advice on a wide range of capacity-building issues, including: advice on improvement of roster of biosafety experts, review of the Action Plan for Building Capacities, development of indicators for monitoring implementation of the Action Plan, and input into the draft Strategic Plan for the Cartagena protocol on Biosafety. The present meeting of the Liaison Group will give advice on the organization of the workshop on capacity-building for research and information exchange on socio-economic impacts of living modified organisms, It will also provide advice on the process for the next comprehensive review of the Action Plan for Building Capacities.

The Meetings’ objective is to ensure the achievement of the following scopes:
i. interaction and exchange of relevant information and experience regarding the current activity;
ii. proposals identification and discussion regarding the approach to the critical problems of biosafety capacity building, needs and gaps;
iii. identification of collaboration opportunities;
iv. exchange of opinions concerning the planification improvement and activities implementation on the capacities development in order to efficiently implement the Cartagena Protocol.

The Meetings will contribute to the implementation of the scopes of Biological Conservation / Biosafety Decade in the Republic of Moldova, as well as will promote the coordination efforts of countries and organizations towards the capacities development in the field of Biosafety. At the same time, the Meetings will improve the training of participants in the capacity development area to ensure the implementing of the National Biosafety systems in the context of Cartagena Protocol, will facilitate the exchange of practical experience and lessons learnt with the scope to identify the mechanism to promote the cooperation and relations between the experts on the regional and international level.

Moldovan experts in biodiversity and biosafety, representing the Ministry of Environment, Academy of Sciences, State University of Moldova, Agricultural University of Moldova, environmental NGOs, etc. will be actively involved in the proposed discussions.This will contribute to further development of the National Biosafety capacities in Moldova.

The Meetings will be held in the Blue Conference Hall of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 1 Stefan cel Mare Ave.