Open grant competition of the Government of the Russian Federation designed to support scientific research projects


1. The Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation hereby announces an open grant competition designed to support scientific research projects to be implemented under the supervision of leading scientists at Russian institutions of higher education and held in compliance with Paragraph 4 of Resolution No.220 of the Government of the Russian Federation on the provision of monetary grants to support scientific research activities implemented under the supervision of leading scientists at Russian institutions of higher education approved on April 9, 2010 (hereinafter referred to as "Grant Competition").

       2. The Grant Competition is held by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as "Ministry").

       3. The grant application submission deadline is 12 am Moscow time on June 16, 2011. Grant applications must be submitted to the Ministry at the following address: 11 Tverskaya Street, Moscow, 125993.

       4. Leading Russian and foreign scientists known for their outstanding achievements in different scientific disciplines are eligible to apply. The leading scientists who became winners of the open grant competition in 2010 cannon apply for this Grant Competition.

       5. Each applicant may participate in one research project only.

       6. The number of research projects implemented on the basis of particular institution of higher education is not limited.

       7. Applications may be submitted in Russian and English or in English only.

       8. Each grant application submitted for consideration under the Grant Competition must be prepared by leading scientist in partnership with one Russian institution of higher learning. Grant application must meet the selection criteria determined by the Grants Council of the Government of the Russian Federation for support of scientific research activities implemented under the supervision of leading scientists at Russian institutions of higher education (hereinafter referred to as "Grants Council"). The competition documentation, including the application form, a list of accompanying documents, and the competition selection criteria are available on the website of the Ministry located at (rus, eng).

       9. The Government of the Russian Federation will support scientific research projects implemented under the supervision of leading scientists at Russian institutions of higher education by issuing grants in the amount of up to 150 million roubles each. These grants will be used to fund scientific research projects in 2011-2013 with the possibility to extend these projects for up to two additional years.

       10. The annual funding amounts will be specified by the Ministry in the year preceding the year in which relevant research projects are to be implemented, based on the total amount of federal funds available for these purposes.

       11. The Grant Competition winners will be determined by the Grants Council upon evaluation of the submitted grant applications upon 1st October 2011.

       12. The participants will be informed on the Grant Competition results within 10 days following the date on which the Grants Council will determine the Grant Competition winners. Grant applications submitted to the Grant Competition will not be returned.

Attracting leading scientists to Russian universities

(in English)

Attracting leading scientists to Russian universities

(in Russian)

Full documentation pack in English and Russian

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