Academician Andrei ANDRIEŞ (24.10.1933 – 07.04.2012)



On April 7, 2012 died academician Andrei Andries, the third president of the Academy of Sciences (1989-2004), PhD professor in physics and mathematics. Scientific community in the country and abroad have lost a valuable scientist, a man of great humanity and a citizen with love to this country, who worked and created until the last breath.

Academician Andrei Andries was born on October 24, 1933 in Chisinau. He graduated in Physics and Mathematics at State University of Chisinau (1956) and PhD in Physical-Technical Institute "A. I. Ioffe "in St. Petersburg (1962). Internationally renowned scientist in the fields of optoelectronics and non-crystalline semiconductor in physics, personality of a vast erudition and culture, Academician Andrei Andries has devoted its entire life to the Academy of Sciences, through step by step functions researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Academy of Sciences (1962-1964), Scientific Secretary (1964-1971), head of laboratory (1971-1993) and director of the Center for Optoelectronics (1994), Institute of Applied Physics of Academy of Sciences. He held the most important administrative positions in the Academy of Science: Scientific General Secretary (1984-1989) and president of the Academy of Sciences (1989-2004). In 2004 he was elected honorary president of the Academy of Sciences.

He was the founder of scientific school in the physics of non-crystalline semiconductor. A valuable research conducted in optoelectronics; developed new technologies to increase non-crystalline materials, including chalcogenide glasses, polymeric compositions of the Nano composites in the form of thin films and optical fibers and new manufacturing technology for the recording and production of holograms. Based on this pioneering scientific research, he has demonstrated the role of localized states in the memory of photoelectric phenomena, electrochemical reactions and deformations of chalcogenide layers stimulated by light and electric field, argued, etc. induced effects in chalcogenide fiber.

In recent years, based on work performed in the Center for Optoelectronics, he have been obtained and developed new acousto-optic sensors, interferometer methods of tension in condensed research matter. Attracting financial resources in the West he founded (1999) and acted as director of RENAM Association of Internet service providing for organizations involved in science and innovation.

Systemic investigations and research results were published in over 500 scientific papers, including monographs, and the development of technology-certified for 45 patents. He trained 17 doctors and 8 PhDs in physics, mathematical and technical fields.

In 1994, academician Andrei Andries, together with the members of Presidium and several members of the Academy of Sciences, has assumed responsibility to recognize that the language spoken in Moldova is Romanian.
Merit scholar and professor Andrei Andries were assessed with honorary title "Laureate of the State" and "Man Emeritus", the "Order of the Republic", the "C. Miculescu "of the Romanian Academy, Medal" Academician SI Vavilov, "International Award" S. R. Ovshinsky, "the last - for excellence in research chalcogenide glasses. He was elected as honorary member of the Academy of Cosmonautics "KE Ţiolkovski "in Moscow, the Romanian Academy, Doctor Honoris Causa of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest.

Undeniable achievements, the name of academician Andrei Andries, outstanding personality of science and public life, will be in a place of honor in the pantheon of national culture, remaining forever in the memory of friends, colleagues, disciples, of all who knew him, supported him and appreciated him.

Sincere condolences to the grieving family, relatives and colleagues

God rest his soul in peace.

Nicolae TIMOFTI, Marian LUPU, Vlad FILAT, Mihail MOLDOVANU, Iurie LEANCĂ, Valeriu LAZAR, Eugen CARPOV, Gheorghe DUCA, Mircea SNEGUR, Petru LUCINSCHI, Vladimir VORONIN, Mihai GHIMPU, Chiril LUCINSCHI, Mihail ŞLEAHTIŢCHI, Pavel FILIP, Teodor FURDUI, Ion TIGHINEANU, Mariana ŞLAPAC, Ion GUCEAC, Pavel VLAD, Constantin TURTĂ, Valeriu CANŢER, Ion BOSTAN, Ion ABABII, Grigore BELOSTECINIC, Gheorghe CIOCANU, Vasile ANESTIADE, Mircea BOLOGA, Mihai CIMPOI, Leonid CULIUC, Nicolae ANDRONATI, Vladimir ARNAUTOV, Ernest ARUŞANOV, Mitrofan CIOBAN, Sveatoslav MOSCALENCO, Vsevolod MOSCALENCO, Vitalie POSTOLATI, Iurie REABUHIN, Petru SOLTAN, Alexei SIMAŞCHEVICI, Gheorghe GHIDIRIM, Mihail LUPAŞCU, Gheorghe PALADI, Andrei URSU, Boris GAINA, Gheorghe ŞIŞCANU