Mesajul lui Robert-Jan Smits, Directorul General al DG Cercetare și Inovare, Comisia Europeană cu prilejul organizării primei Nopți ai Cercetătorilor în Republica Moldova


27 September 2013

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Moldova on holding its first ever Researchers Night. I am sure Chișinău will put on a great event which will attract prospective researchers in the future. While the night is aimed at opening up research to the community, it is the researchers who will take satisfaction from showcasing their work to young and old alike.

I am especially pleased to see that Moldova has become increasingly involved within the wider European research community. Following association to the 7th EU Framework Programme in 2012, more than 40 grant agreements have already been signed. With the continued support from the European Commission, Moldovan researchers will have wider access to top quality European research. Researchers are at the heart of European research, and we strive to support their professional development and provide attractive working conditions.

Our new Research Framework Programme, Horizon 2020, will kick off next year. It represents a substantial increase in EU support for fundamental research. This means researchers can count on more support from collaborative projects, as well as through the European Research Council and the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions, which are geared towards funding researchers and their research agenda.

I am especially pleased to see that Moldova is joining the EURAXESS network which will further incorporate Moldovan researchers into the European research community.

Finally, I hope all the researchers involved in Researchers Night in Moldova enjoy the event and feel a sense of pride in being able to present their work. You serve as an inspiration for future generations and I look forward to our continued cooperation.