Workshop: Free Author Workshop in Publishing: Get Read. Publish with Springer


Joi, 31 octombrie 2013, cu începere de la ora 14.00, în cadrul Salonului Internaţional de Carte Ştiinţifică şi Didactică, ediţia a II-a, organizat de Biblioteca Ştiinţifică Centrală „A. Lupan” a AŞM, va avea loc seminarul Free Author Workshop in Publishing: Get Read. Publish with Springer.


Workshop: Free Author Workshop in Publishing: Get Read. Publish with Springer
Speakers: Dr. Frans LETTENSTROM,
Prashanth MAHAGAONKAR, Springer

14.00- 14.10 Brief introduction to Springers history and strategy
(Dr. Frans Lettenstrom, Springer)

14.15-15.15 How to write for and Get Published in Scientific Journals
(Dr. Prashanth Mahagaonkar, Springer)

15.15-15.30 Coffee Break

15.30-15.45 Author Services: Support When You Publish With Springer
(Dr. Prashanth Mahagaonkar, Springer)

15.45-16.30 Discussion & Questions